Math Beasts Camp 4

Summer Mathematics

This summer program is designed for students who will be in a fourth grade math class in the fall. Students who have just completed our Math Level 3 course are ready for Math Beasts Camp 4. (Students are not required to take AoPS Academy Academic Year courses prior to enrolling in AoPS Academy summer programs.)

Each day of Math Beasts Camp 4 consists of a Problem Solving component and a Mathematical Exploration component. Problem Solving keeps students sharp on important topics while preparing them for fourth grade. We start each class with a quick review of a key topic that students should have encountered in third grade. The review is followed by a series of intriguing problems that push student understanding of the topic well beyond the standard third-grade level. We finish each Problem Solving discussion with a challenging activity.

Our Mathematical Explorations are designed to introduce topics that most students don't encounter until much later in their schooling, while equipping students with general mathematical strategies that will be useful throughout their education. The Math Beasts Camp 4 Mathematical Exploration inspires mathematical discovery and reasoning through visual representations of numbers. By exploring and manipulating simple dot diagrams, students will explore many rich mathematical ideas in discrete mathematics and number theory, both of which are critical to many areas of computer science and advanced mathematics.

This two-week course meets Monday through Friday for three hours each day.

Space is very limited for our summer programs. Please do not wait until the last minute to enroll. If there are more than two weeks before the course starts, a $200 deposit will be due when enrolling, with the balance due two weeks before the course begins.

AoPS Academy has a superb curriculum, combined with outstanding teachers who have provided our son a fantastic foundation in mathematics. If only I could have experienced teaching like this when I was young, it would have changed my career choice. The academy is a perfect extension of school in that they challenge students to learn at a much deeper and rigorous level. They also stimulate their interest in mathematics by emphasizing analytical thought over rote memorization of formulas.

The academy truly lays a deep foundation in mathematical thinking for success in all areas involving STEM subjects. It is really exciting to be among teachers and children who love math!

The harder the problem - the more exciting it is to the students and teachers at AoPS Academy.

Molly and Richard T.