Algebra 2

Academic Year Mathematics

In Algebra 2, students continue their study of algebraic functions and applications. We begin by reviewing key concepts from Algebra 1, then expand upon them to solve even more challenging problems. Students explore the rich field of polynomials and build foundations for calculus through the study of sequences and series. They are exposed to a variety of important algebraic forms and functions, and are equipped with the tools necessary for understanding new forms and functions they'll encounter in the future. We also lay the groundwork for navigating optimization problems with a study of inequalities. Many challenging problems in this course are drawn from contests such as AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME, and the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament.

Homework and exams

Students should expect to spend 1-3 hours on homework every week. Homework will be assigned and completed through the class website, where students receive immediate feedback on their work. Students will take three in-class exams throughout the course.


The textbook for the course is Intermediate Algebra by Art of Problem Solving.

Hardcopy and lifetime digital access to the online version of the textbook are included in the tuition and fees of this course.


Sample Problems

Below are examples of some of the types of problems that students will encounter in our Algebra 2 course.

Problem 0
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Problem 6
Problem 7
Problem 8
Problem 9
Problem 10
Problem 11
Problem 12

Our homeschooled son is extremely gifted in math and science.  He really feels at home at AoPS Academy.  Through coaching and personal attention at AoPS, he achieved a 5 in AP Calculus at 11 years old and a 4 in AP Statistics at 12.  He also achieved an 800 on SAT II math at 12 years old.  Our son feels very comfortable in the atmosphere of AoPS, where being gifted in math is not looked down on, but treated with respect.  He has truly found his peers at AoPS Academy. 

AoPS Academy allows my son to be himself, learn that there are other kids well advanced in math, and gives him the confidence to know that it is OK to be great in math, and that other people will respect and value his ability.

Neil D.